Online classes every week
You can register for the course now, at the link below
Special price for the whole year ONLY £350
(This is a special offer, as this course has been previously offered in modules at the value of £594 for the year)
Beneficial Practical Parapsychology Course
Have you ever had premonitions about things that would happen in your future?
Have you ever known that a friend would call you, or guessed the thoughts of your dear ones?
Have you ever felt that you are floating outside your physical body, or become aware that you are dreaming?
Have you ever been able to heal yourself just by engaging positive beneficial thinking and creative visualisation?
If you have experienced any of these or if you feel this domain is attracting you, join our course to find out more on how to become the master of your life and unlock the unlimited powers of your being, as you are now ready to take your innate potential to a completely new level!

Telepathy, clairvoyance, premonitions, out-of-body-experiences or energy healing are abilities that naturally exist in all human beings
Both science and spirituality state that we usually use only 3-5% of our innate forces, so we all have them but they are mostly dormant. Through the gradual awakening of the more subtle sheaths of your being, you can take the lead of your life, and become able to experience such phenomena at will, and with much greater frequency, as your dormant abilities come to life in a more conscious manner.
This course will teach you practical methods to tap into your potential. What we usually call “paranormal powers” are, in fact, extraordinary abilities that we do not know yet how to use.
This course, offered in an academic format, aims to help us reconnect to our full potential and see how much savour and delight life can have when we live it fully and with all of your being.
As it is already in it's third year of being presented online in this format, we can share here several candid testimonials from the first hundreds of students who successfully completed the course so far:
'A well-structured and elegantly presented course, the support of the Spiritual Guide was palpable.'
'I feel a sense of gratitude and thankfulness for what we have been taught and learned.'
'The topics offered are extraordinary; I resonated with many of them, and at the same time, they provided answers to some questions. My presence in this course has a healing effect on my soul and spiritual evolution.'
'To those who are still undecided about starting this course, I would say that it can help you greatly enhance your occult power, self-confidence, access to the supramental, and the emergence of certain ingenious insights in understanding the theoretical and practical intricacies of the learned techniques, in daily meditations, and even in resolving specific life situations.'
'It is a course with immediate applicability in everyday life.'
The registration is now early, limited places!
If you want to awaken your supernatural abilities, this course is for you!
Each lesson contains at least one practical technique for awakening a specific paranormal ability and will help you:
To awaken your latent, beneficial potentialities
To delve into integral yoga practice
To explore the field of parapsychology and the paranormal
To awaken physical paranormal powers and great spiritual powers within your being
To successfully explore the mysterious dimensions of the astral realm
To transcend stereotypical thinking and discover the wisdom of the heart
To rapidly and easily develop clairvoyance
To advance in spiritual practice at a sustained pace
To apply practical techniques in everyday life
To engage in spiritual research in an academic environment and within a spiritual community.
What is offered in this course:
- Theoretical and practical knowledge, presented in a simple manner, to successfully operate in the paranormal field.
- Weekly online live lessons with a specialist lecturer, or, depending on the class size, based on recordings and live seminars, during which practical techniques are carried out.
- Seminars with live question and answer sessions at the end.
- Secret techniques for successful exploration of the astral plane.
- Tibetan exercises for awakening, energizing, and rapidly ascending the fundamental energy Kundalini Shakti.
- Developing clairvoyance, visualizing beings of light, and understanding the symbolism of light.
- Beneficial practical techniques for achieving lucidity in the astral plane through out-of-body experiences, starting from wakefulness and dream states.
- Deep self-centering exercises in the Supreme Self ATMAN and revealing the Divine Absolute Consciousness.
- Ocular convergence techniques that provide access to parallel subtle worlds.
- Effective technique for paranormal control of heart rate.
- Rapid and intense purification techniques of subtle structures.
- Spiritual methods and procedures for mystical closeness to God.
- Ways to create a deeply spiritual subtle ambiance
Additional Benefits :
- The weekly course sessions are recorded and can be replayed anytime – as many times as you wish and without time restrictions.
- Zoom meetings where you can interact with the instructor and fellow students in real-time, benefiting from spiritual emulation through the mystery of personal example and the unity of a spiritual group.
- The opportunity to be part of the online community of this course, where you can share your weekly successes, make reports, and receive group encouragement throughout the course.
- The opportunity to participate in spiritual exemplifications with the Godly Attributes.
- A diploma for successfully completing the first year of the course.
- Bonus 1: As a student in this course, you can benefit from discounts on other courses offered within the Academy.
- Bonus 2: The opportunity to participate in organized retreats. The first Beneficial Practical Parapsychology Retreat is scheduled for 2025, where specific course mantras will also be offered.
Intense joy and harmony
Integrating the techniques with my daily practice has brought intense joy and harmony in every moment! I notice the synchronization of my hearts desires and my thoughts auspiciously manifesting in reality. Life is more beautiful everyday. Thank you!
Moments of intuition
I am much more able to recognize moments of intuition (and distinguish from mind-generated scenarios) and this intuition became more sharper, more precise, e.g. some flashes of how some situation will happen or about result of that situation, about things I should do or take with me, because I will need them and so on. I would say it is one of effects of whole course (not one concrete technique).
I also have a new "experience" while awakening Kundalini - the fact that there is some (even small) progress made me so happy!
Enthusiasm and new perspectives
If someone was asking me about this curse I would say that this course helps you maintain your enthusiasm and can help you discover new depths and amazing perspectives of ones spiritual life.