"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." The Bhagavad Gita


This wellbeing course run as  two hour weekly retreats, will help transform your life for better, see you more relaxed, healthy, peaceful and more aligned with your own vision, wisdom and purpose in life. It can actually help you remove the weekly overwhelm and approach life more calmly and happy.

An all round wellbeing membership for modern day profesional; it does not require you to have any previous experience nor to be of any faith or religion. 

You can join for a week, trial out for a month or join us for the year. It is suitable for everyone, even if you have not practiced yoga or haven't done any meditation ever in your life.


- the expansion of consciousness allows you to raise above the common understanding of the conditioning of everyday life, surpassing stressful situations and finding new self understanding, a kinder, resilient self.

- increased oxygenation throughout the body gives you healthier bones and joints. It also improves the quality of your sleep and overall health

- the relaxation techniques help reduce anxiety and stress, removing the build up stress and boosting your creativity and confidence.

-  the physical postures, called asanas, give you a profound balance at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

- the meditations and awareness that we practice together will expand your consciousness offering you a better perspective and a more peaceful perspective in life.


LIVE tutor led classes are held weekly, online, no pre-recordings


In our live classes your teacher guides your progress every week, these are not prerecorded classes, you are guided carefully and attentively by an expert teacher to ensure the posture is correct and you have the opportunity and encouragement to ask question and receive imediate answers.

The lessons have new topics and postures every week and they run for an entire year to support you every single week.

With this membership you  become part of an experienced international community of yogis who are studying the same curriculum as you, throughout the year. Online and in person retreats are offered to our students where they can enjoy sharing the experiences with hundreds and thousands of people all over the world and who follow the same curriculum of yoga knowledge. 

All our Academy yoga teachers have practiced yoga and meditation for a minimum of 20 years and taught for at least 10 years.


You are supported to learn and practice relaxation, yoga and become part of a community of yogis as you practice, relax, recharge and learn about your own being every week. Share with others thoughts and experiences.


Our classes awaken your zest for life and boosts your creativity. You can simply put this to the good use and be happy all day long or further your studies either as a teacher or as a yoga therapy practitioner


We meditate together & what you learn in our classes will enrich your intelligence, regenerative resources, boost your brain power and gain a beneficial life-long skill that can be used anytime and anywhere


Learn to relax - then enjoy, rinse and repeat weekly.  Once you have mastered the art of relaxation, you can be chilled out like you are on holiday - yet amazingly creative and productive every day!

Register now for the new classes that start in October 2024. 


Our classes include new asanas/ yoga techniques/ methods with live teachings online each week. The course contains theoretical and practical classes – 2 hours/ session (with winter, spring and summer holidays observed).  One 2 one careful guidance and support is offered as part of our online weekly classes. You also have opportunity to ask questions and have them clarified at the class. Join us and be part of a community of happy, content and supportive people.

This is an online wellbeing membership that does not require you to be of any faith or religion. Our students come from 15 different countries around the world.  Our teachers are fully qualified professionals with more than 10 years of yoga teaching experience and more than 20 years of personal practice.

All course details, including zoom link and times will be emailed once you register.

If the demand is there, we can also offer extra sessions and once you have paid for a session you can attend the other ones, free of charge. If you are looking for private sessions please email [email protected] to ask for availability. Price on application.


Have a year of happiness and transformation membership with this discounted option. If you opt for the yearly payment, you get a free bonus - 1:1 with the teacher at the start of the year to agree your transformation goals.


Yes! I want to join with yearly payment!


Have a year of happiness and transformation membership. You can enjoy the same benefits and teachings every single week, as the yearly payment, with monthly membership. After £114 deposit, 9 monthly payments of £57, with a total of £627.

£57/ month

Yes! I want to join with monthly membership!